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JobPrompt... your fastest route to the latest jobs!

What is JobPrompt?

JobPrompt provides job-seekers with INSTANT e-mail delivery of the latest worldwide vacancies immediately they are posted by the employer to the Career Database System. There is no longer any need to search the online database, as the latest jobs will be in your mailbox!

Can I customise JobPROMPT?

Absolutely! JobPrompt allows subscribers to specify the type of post information the subscriber wishes to receive.

Job categories are as follows:

  • EFL/ESOL/ESL Teacher/Instructor 
  • ESP Teacher/Instructor 
  • Senior Teacher 
  • Teacher Trainer 
  • Lecturer 
  • Director of Studies 
  • Academic Director 
  • Asst. Director of Studies 
  • Centre Manager/Director 
  • Administrator 
  • Course Designer/Writer 
  • Curriculum Designer 
  • Test Designer 
  • Miscellaneous
  • ALL Categories

Country Preference

JobPrompt subscribers may also select their country/countries preference/s, and receive only job postings related to these particular countries.

Applying for the job..

Applying for a job has never been easier! Using JobPrompt, simply click on the job link and apply!

How much does it cost?

To receive the latest job opportunities direct by e-mail every day for a full six month period is just £16.00/$US20/€19. Currency Converter 

Contact us.

* Subscription rates are charged in UK pounds sterling. US Dollar and Euro currency rates are for informational purposes only.